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Seasonal Self Storage Tips: Preparing for Cooler Weather

What do you need to do to prepare for fall? Our self storage tips will set you up for success and get you back to enjoying the things you love. We have self storage facilities in many neighborhoods near you that offer drive up storage units, storage professionals, and solutions for all your questions. Get started this summer with these helpful tips.

Cooler weather self storage tips

Self Storage Tips

  • Use a shelf to store pool chemicals so you can keep them in single layers. If stacked, containers can crack and spill.
  • Remove chlorine from inflatables with common kitchen vinegar, then leave out to dry.
  • Make every piece of the grill spotless as to not entice rodents. We aim to keep our storage facilities clear of pests, you can help by leaving the food at home and cleaning off equipment that is used to cook.
  • Replace or fix used gardening tools. A large barrel is an easy way to store your shovels, picks, and hoes.
  • When storing beach equipment leave the sand at the ocean. Shake everything out and wash it before putting it back in storage.
  • Place a few Damp Rid containers around your unit to keep moisture from building up.
  • Wardrobe boxes will store articles of clothing that should not be folded in boxes. To avoid deep wrinkles, fold clothing loosely.
  • Fiberglass holds in moisture even after it has sat out for a few days, so store the boat, kayak, or canoe with DampRid or similar products surrounding the water toys.

When you are looking to switch your flip flops for snow boots or just want to get organized around the house, our self storage tips are what you need. We have several locations near you to assist in your next move, all you need to do is give us a call or check out our storage units online.

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.