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How can storage help you while staging your home?

Need self storage units during a move? If you are tidying up your house while on the market, use our storage space to stay organized. Staging your home can help sell it faster and show off the best attributes of the property. Did you know there are actually a few simple tasks you can do before the for sale sign goes up? Check out our suggestions when it is time to sell.

self storage units

Minimize and Rearrange

  • First take a good look at your belongings. Clear out the bookshelves, knick-knacks, and large furniture not being used.
  • Small and medium boxes are perfect for books and photographs.
  • With the items leftover rearrange so there is open space and an even flow through the house.
  • Keep as little around the entryway as possible.

Decorations and more

  • Leave artwork on the walls to bring some character to your space.
  • If the walls need a new coat of paint make sure you stick to non-dramatic colors.
  • Not everything has to be neutral colors, you can accessories with brightly colored pillows or vases of flowers.
  • Plants can bring life to a dark or small room. Put a potted flower in the corner or on a table.

Outdoor space is just as important

  • Make sure the exterior looks proper before company arrives.
  • Remove fallen leaves and sticks.
  • Brush off walkways and front steps.
  • You can put a few decorations outside, depending on the season. A wreath during the holidays or a garden flag in the spring are perfect.

If you are trying to answer the question, “where are the best storage units near me?” our locations will be able to assist you. Find the right space for your belongings while you sell, buy, or fix up your house. Talk with a store manager to find all the moving supplies you need.

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.