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Give Back to Haledon NJ with Us!

This year we are doing a holiday project in Haledon NJ and are asking our tenants to participate. We love helping the community and hope that with our tenants’ help we can successfully pass along holiday cheer to other community members.


We have partnered with The Salvation Army: Angel Tree this holiday season. The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program provides new clothing or toys for children of needy families through the support of donors. Found in local companies and corporations, Angel Trees are decorated with numbered paper angel tags with the first name, age and gender of a child in need of presents. Contributors remove one or more tags from the tree and purchase appropriate gifts for the child or children described on the tags. Although we don’t have a tree in our office, we are collecting various items for a 6 year old boy named Yusef. Check out the flyer below to see how you can help!

Haledon NJ

We love being part of this community and we hope that others will share in helping us give back to it this holiday season. Since we live and work in Haledon NJ, we want to make sure our impact on this community is a positive one. Stop by or call the office to see how you can help give back with us this holiday season!


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Paige Weary

About the Author: Paige is a Social Media Coordinator at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She brings the most useful storage tips and tricks to your social media feed and loves a good self-storage pun. Beyond work, Paige spends her free time traveling extensively, her most recent trip being the Andes Mountain region of Bolivia.