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Can you benefit from business storage?

business storage

Not enough space at the home office? If your business is growing at a rapid rate you may want to think about finding room for some items you aren’t using every day. With a storage unit you can grow your business without sacrificing access to your tools. Storage space is a smart investment when looking for an expansion.

How would you use a little extra space? There are many business owners that are benefiting from a little extra space. The most common businesses using self storage include:

  • Restaurants- The patio furniture needs to look sharp for next year, so don’t leave it to fend for itself against the harsh winter weather. An indoor storage unit offer protection for all the patio furniture.
  • Realtor- Trying to sell a house? Staging a home can help get your home noticed by the next owners but where do you keep the items when you are all finished? A storage unit makes things simple and allows you to build a library of useful tools for the next home staging.
  • Retail Stores- Excess inventory can fill up the store pretty fast when you are getting ready for a busy season. Storage space at any of our locations is ideal for extra items and always convenient when you need to re-stock.

If you are looking for a way to improve your work space, we have the answers. Come in to talk with us about how business storage can make a difference for you! Don’t have time to come in? Rent or reserve online and move right in!

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.